Let's take a trip back in time, shall we? The year: 1973. The place: Brazil. It was here that Accion International distributed the first ever microloan. Microfinance in Brazil was born. It wouldn't take long for other countries to catch onto this powerful concept of providing small loans to the working poor, allowing these individuals to create their own businesses, save, and invest so they could pull themselves out of poverty.
Now, fast forward back to the present. As it stands, some $25 billion in microfinance loans is currently working to help the extremely poor create long-term financial independence in their lives. Microfinance institutions are popping up in developing countries throughout the world, and nonprofit organizations are working tirelessly to raise more funds so that extreme poverty will soon be a distant memory.
Microfinance in Brazil and elsewhere is about more than just giving out loans. It's about educating and empowering the poor, many of whom are women, to create better lives for themselves. That's why the process doesn't just involve doling out small loans, but it also includes educating the recipients of the loans on sound business principles and proven money management techniques that allow them to grow their assets. The result? Recipients of microfinance loans are able to pull themselves up out of poverty because they are armed with the knowledge and the resources needed to make a better life for themselves.
Since the birth of microfinance Brazil, the industry as a whole has given loans to over 100 million poor people throughout the world. The amazing part? Over 97% of these loans have been repaid. This is proof that microfinance is more than a hand out; it's a long-term solution that creates a sustained positive impact in the lives of those who receive these loans.
But there is still a lot of work to be done before the microfinance industry reaches its goal of eradicating extreme poverty. Estimates show that about $250 billion is needed to get these loans to all the poor people in the world who need them. Thankfully, there are several nonprofit organizations working diligently to make this dream a reality.
One such group is Lingerie Miami. This revolutionary philanthropic brand uses the powerful world of fashion to raise funds for microfinance institutions throughout the world. The first fashion show was held in February 2009, and it attracted top fashion designers and A-list celebrities (the event was hosted by Eva Longoria-Parker). Created by Renata Black, this exciting new concept is being taken to New York and other major cities throughout the world in the near future.
Proceeds raised from Lingerie Miami and future shows directly benefits microfinance Brazil and several other countries. With the help of this philanthropic brand and other similarly-minded nonprofits, the microfinance industry hopes to reach its goal of eradicating extreme poverty and world hunger and promoting gender equality throughout the world.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Australian share market information
If you are looking for stable and perspective investment opportunities, consider investing in Australian Share Market, which will not only allow you to profit, but also to participate in the growth of Australian and international businesses and their future profits. By investing in Australian Share Market you will bring the risks down to minimum as this market is supported by the country's strong economy and its continuous trend of growth. You will be able to choose among 2000 various companies that are being listed on the stock exchange, and these companies represent a market capitalization which totals whooping 1, 5 billion Dollars. Australian Securities Exchange or ASE is listing the shares that are classified within indices, based on their industry and size. Also, there is classification of the companies according to industry sectors they belong to, which is based on Global Industry Classification Standard. Australian share market is suitable for those investors who are looking to invest in long term opportunities, as shares are generally considered to be an investment of higher risk and higher return. Australian share market has traditionally been providing a long term growth, although there were some short-termed returns which have been fluctuating at times. If you decide to invest in the Australian share market, you may expect some amount of negative returns once every 5-7 years, which makes Australian shares almost ideal for long-term investing, preferably within 7 years and plus time-frame. Although the vicissitudes in returns that you get from shares cannot be completely eliminated, they can be greatly reduced as time passes.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
BHP Billiton - A committed and strong work force
If you belong to those investors who are interested in commodities, BHP Billiton has given all the hints how you should invest over the next year. You shouldn't ignore these tendencies set by large companies such as BHP Billiton, as they are subtly telling you what to avoid, what to buy and when. When raw material consumers start rebuilding their stock piles, the commodity prices start to climb. However, these short-termed fluctuations in commodity prices shouldn't get you carried away. There are many commodity producers, like BHP Billiton, who have idled wells or mines and any occurring price increase will only be temporary, as it will result in bringing those idled capacities back onto the market. The result of that will be depression of prices, which will last for a while. If you carefully observe behaviour of the big players, such as BHP Billiton, you, as an investor will be able more easily to figure out whether or not and which commodity stocks to buy. You should look for those commodities of which the production hasn't increased because of the recent increase in prices. If you pick the stocks in these sectors, you are on for a nice short-term gain, because it will take a while to get the mines back to production, there will be a lag in new supplies, which will give the producers such as BHP Billiton a great share of the recent increase in prices. Also, you should look for these commodities where the consuming companies have increased their production and end product prices, as it will often be enough to trigger additional demand in supplies and growth of commodity prices.
Friday, November 27, 2009
The latest business news
If you would like to plunge into investment business or you are already swimming in the business waters, you are well aware how important it is to regularly track latest business news. There are a lot of reliable resources of information available both on and off-line, which are oriented toward helping investors to achieve the financial security. These resources are providing relevant business news, instructions and strategies, which are all invaluable keys to successful investing. The Wall Street Journal and Investor's Business daily are among the most popular and most comprehensive publications that you will definitely need to consider if you want to succeed in your investment endeavours. Business news publications are often including highly valuable sections about different companies and are covering all the information the investors need and want so they could prosper in their business. For business entrepreneurs and investors, it is of extreme importance to find a reliable and unbiased source of timely information, which will help them to both protect and maximize their finances. Business news publication of your choice, whether off line or on line, needs to be informative enough, to give valuable tips in a wide range of business fields and to teach their readers how to rely of the subject's history rather than on their gut-feeling when it comes to investing. Latest business news will greatly help you to get oriented in the world of business and investment, and arm you with knowledge necessary to make the right business moves at the right time.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
What happened to the federal budget?
Do you need some safe investment opportunities that will provide you with secured income? Have you considered investing in federal budget? In these turbulent times, investors have a difficult time deciding where to put their money. The safest bet would be if you put it under the mattress, but that option will not bring you any interest. Those looking for a safe and solid investment opportunity should seriously consider the federal budget trust funds. Trust Funds have been placed as a way of funding the federal budget and are considered as one of the most important groups providing the income necessary for running of the government. Funds that are being invested in trust funds are further distributed to social security, Medicare, unemployment insurance and a great number of other programs. In accordance with the law, the funds are being invested on a daily basis in government bonds, which allows for a higher interest rate. Government Trust Funds are those funds which you and other investors are giving to the Government in order to manage the federal budget. These funds are further being invested in investment vehicles guaranteed by the government. Depending on your investment style which you choose, the amount of investment returns will also differ. Available investments may be in a range between conservative, medium and high risk investments. You may consult your broker to help you with appropriate information on investment strategies that are advisable at the given moment and that will best fit your style of investment.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Withdrawing From 401K
Withdrawing from 401k accounts can be done, but only under a number of very specific circumstances. If these circumstances are not met you will be charged a very large penalty for cashing out even a portion of the funds. These accounts have strict rules set up to protect your investments that, unfortunately, can make it very hard for you to get to the funds yourself.
The easiest and intended way to payout a 401k is after you turn 59 years and 6 months old. This is considered retirement age, and you can cash out your account without penalty. It is important to note that you do have to start taking from the account by the time you turn 70 years old.
If you are not yet old enough to do this, you do have some other options under some plans for withdrawing from 401k, so you'll want to check with the company your account is with.
One option that will work for any circumstances you need the money for are 401k loans. You can borrow up to $50,000, or 50% of the account balance, whichever is less. You do have to repay the money within five years, if you don't then the money will be considered cashed out as though you had cashed out in the first place and you will have to pay the penalties. The interest on these loans are low, and the money you pay in interest goes right into your account.
When you are in a situation of economic hardship, where you will lose your home or you have medical bills you can take money out without fees, but this money has to be repaid.
Some plans will allow you to pay for classes that further your current career by withdrawing from 401k funds.
If you take money out of your account that doesn't follow the guidelines for any of these allowed circumstances, you will be charged a large penalty. Cashing out, and paying this penalty, can only be done when you have left your current employer. At this time you have 30 days to decide to leave the money with your current employers 401k, roll into a new employers account, roll into an IRA, or cash out.
When you cash out early (before retirement age) you have to pay federal taxes, state taxes, and a ten percent early withdrawal fee. The federal tax percent varies based on your tax bracket, and state taxes vary state to state, so the exact percentage is different for every case. Generally speaking, however, the penalty can easily amount to thirty to forty percent of the amount you take out.
Because of these heavy penalties withdrawing from 401k accounts is only done when customers need money now and feel they have no other choice.
The easiest and intended way to payout a 401k is after you turn 59 years and 6 months old. This is considered retirement age, and you can cash out your account without penalty. It is important to note that you do have to start taking from the account by the time you turn 70 years old.
If you are not yet old enough to do this, you do have some other options under some plans for withdrawing from 401k, so you'll want to check with the company your account is with.
One option that will work for any circumstances you need the money for are 401k loans. You can borrow up to $50,000, or 50% of the account balance, whichever is less. You do have to repay the money within five years, if you don't then the money will be considered cashed out as though you had cashed out in the first place and you will have to pay the penalties. The interest on these loans are low, and the money you pay in interest goes right into your account.
When you are in a situation of economic hardship, where you will lose your home or you have medical bills you can take money out without fees, but this money has to be repaid.
Some plans will allow you to pay for classes that further your current career by withdrawing from 401k funds.
If you take money out of your account that doesn't follow the guidelines for any of these allowed circumstances, you will be charged a large penalty. Cashing out, and paying this penalty, can only be done when you have left your current employer. At this time you have 30 days to decide to leave the money with your current employers 401k, roll into a new employers account, roll into an IRA, or cash out.
When you cash out early (before retirement age) you have to pay federal taxes, state taxes, and a ten percent early withdrawal fee. The federal tax percent varies based on your tax bracket, and state taxes vary state to state, so the exact percentage is different for every case. Generally speaking, however, the penalty can easily amount to thirty to forty percent of the amount you take out.
Because of these heavy penalties withdrawing from 401k accounts is only done when customers need money now and feel they have no other choice.
Friday, November 13, 2009
False Sense Of Financial Security - How To Manage Money
Would you say that you are living the 'American Dream'. Right now you are happily married, you have two kids, a dog, a nice home with a white picket fence, you own an SUV and a mini van and you are in debt. Your story is just like thousands of other people in this country. Okay, so your story isn't exactly as I just described but close. In fact the debt part is probably the only absolute truth. You are able to make all of your minimum monthly payments and are making ends meet - or so you think. You've been lulled into the false sense of financial security and think you know how to manage money. The truth to be told is you could be in too much debt. I've created a list of 10 warning signs indicating that you may be in over your head.
1. You have little to no savings
2. You can only make the minimum payment on your credit cards and other bills
3. You have been denied credit
4. You use cash advances from your credit cards to pay other bills such as heat and hydro
5. You are sometimes late with your bill payments
6. You keep making purchases with your credit card adding to the balance
7. You don't even know how far in debt you are
8. Your bank accounts are overdrawn and once in a while you bounce checks
9. You have one or more credit cards that are close to the limit or are maxed out
10. You've been secretive to family and friends about your debt and over spending
Does one or all of these statements sound familiar? Even if only one of those statements is correct you might be in some sort of financial trouble and should probably learn how to manage money once again. The good part is you are able to fix it. The bad part is you must begin taking control of your finances right now. The more you wait, the worse the problem will get. Finances are one thing that cannot be swept under the rug and forgotten about.
STEP 1: Now is the time to make a check list and go through it. Sift through these ten items and find out what ones correspond with you.
STEP 2: Discover a way to correct those problems. You have no savings? Start building an emergency fund. Deposit $25 a week or any amount that is possible to increase that balance to $1000. Do you keep buying things and increasing your credit card balance? Start buying things with cash and start making larger payments to your credit card. The list is important to take care of and you have to fix those problems.
STEP 3: Create some goals and begin to make them into reality. Tomorrow isn't the best time to start making goals. Start today - better yet, create them right now. Don't set your goals too high, create financial goals that are able to achieve like cutting your hydro bill by five or ten percent or save some money by cutting back on entertainment. Small steps are instrumental to goal setting and learning how to manage money.
Being lured into a false sense of financial security isn't hard to do if you don't not know the warning signs of serious financial problems. If you have gone through this list and discovered any matches it may be time to start fixing those problems before your security turns into a huge issue. Knowing how to manage money can be simple and anyone can do it.
1. You have little to no savings
2. You can only make the minimum payment on your credit cards and other bills
3. You have been denied credit
4. You use cash advances from your credit cards to pay other bills such as heat and hydro
5. You are sometimes late with your bill payments
6. You keep making purchases with your credit card adding to the balance
7. You don't even know how far in debt you are
8. Your bank accounts are overdrawn and once in a while you bounce checks
9. You have one or more credit cards that are close to the limit or are maxed out
10. You've been secretive to family and friends about your debt and over spending
Does one or all of these statements sound familiar? Even if only one of those statements is correct you might be in some sort of financial trouble and should probably learn how to manage money once again. The good part is you are able to fix it. The bad part is you must begin taking control of your finances right now. The more you wait, the worse the problem will get. Finances are one thing that cannot be swept under the rug and forgotten about.
STEP 1: Now is the time to make a check list and go through it. Sift through these ten items and find out what ones correspond with you.
STEP 2: Discover a way to correct those problems. You have no savings? Start building an emergency fund. Deposit $25 a week or any amount that is possible to increase that balance to $1000. Do you keep buying things and increasing your credit card balance? Start buying things with cash and start making larger payments to your credit card. The list is important to take care of and you have to fix those problems.
STEP 3: Create some goals and begin to make them into reality. Tomorrow isn't the best time to start making goals. Start today - better yet, create them right now. Don't set your goals too high, create financial goals that are able to achieve like cutting your hydro bill by five or ten percent or save some money by cutting back on entertainment. Small steps are instrumental to goal setting and learning how to manage money.
Being lured into a false sense of financial security isn't hard to do if you don't not know the warning signs of serious financial problems. If you have gone through this list and discovered any matches it may be time to start fixing those problems before your security turns into a huge issue. Knowing how to manage money can be simple and anyone can do it.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Top 10 Stocks > Ten Best Hot Stocks to Buy Right Now – Best Picks
Beginner traders often fantasize or wonder about how some people are able to achieve tremendous profits by trading stocks just a few hours on a daily or weekly basis.
So going farther than the hype & the bells and whistles that a lot of the called "trading gurus" like to invoke, the real "secrets" of the stock market game are enclosed within the trading set ups and market signals you rely on to decide how to CHOOSE stocks, as well as WHEN to BUY & when to SELL them, or even when to SHORT SELL those that are poised for a profitable fall.
So the clearer your set ups are, the faster you can spot a potentially profitable trading scenario and ACT ON IT reducing your risk.
Complicated technical systems and information overload can make you slow and confuse you right from the start, making you loose money instead of making your profits grow.
In essence, You can be sure that the trading method you employ to approach the stock market and pick stocks can make a big difference in your results as a trader. In order to succeed you will need to FOCUS on a set of simple trading strategies that you can implement without hesitation.
Fortunately some sites on the web do offer more effective and updated day trading methodologies. One of those sites that can show you how to take advantage of certain stocks on positive and negative momentum as well is MomentumStockPick.com
They focus on momentum stock trading strategies, that are practical and easier to apply than many other technical systems out there.
Stock trading doesn't have to be complicated as many people perceive. But you do need to follow a well organized set of rules and tactics, that once you master them, you can aspire to replicate profitable trades with consistency
So going farther than the hype & the bells and whistles that a lot of the called "trading gurus" like to invoke, the real "secrets" of the stock market game are enclosed within the trading set ups and market signals you rely on to decide how to CHOOSE stocks, as well as WHEN to BUY & when to SELL them, or even when to SHORT SELL those that are poised for a profitable fall.
So the clearer your set ups are, the faster you can spot a potentially profitable trading scenario and ACT ON IT reducing your risk.
Complicated technical systems and information overload can make you slow and confuse you right from the start, making you loose money instead of making your profits grow.
In essence, You can be sure that the trading method you employ to approach the stock market and pick stocks can make a big difference in your results as a trader. In order to succeed you will need to FOCUS on a set of simple trading strategies that you can implement without hesitation.
Fortunately some sites on the web do offer more effective and updated day trading methodologies. One of those sites that can show you how to take advantage of certain stocks on positive and negative momentum as well is MomentumStockPick.com
They focus on momentum stock trading strategies, that are practical and easier to apply than many other technical systems out there.
Stock trading doesn't have to be complicated as many people perceive. But you do need to follow a well organized set of rules and tactics, that once you master them, you can aspire to replicate profitable trades with consistency
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